How Can We Help?
- How can I provide feedback or request enhancements for the Directory Manager Web Portal?
- How can I tell what Version of Directory Manager I have?
- How do I contact you if I have a general Enquiry that isn't answered here?
- How do I log a ticket for support with BDS Solutions?
- Is there any personal information held in Directory Manager?
- What components is Directory Manager Comprised of?
- What Is Directory Manager?
- What is the current Version of Directory Manager?
- What is the Directory Manager Configuration Client?
- What other components can be added to Directory Manager?
- What Version of Directory Manager Should I have?
- Who is allowed to log a ticket on behalf of our NHS Trust, and how can I request access to the ticketing system?
- How can I address errors or issues encountered while using the Directory Manager Web Portal?
- How do I upload a CSV using the Web Portal
- I'm Logged in but I can’t see the administration section on the portal
- Is there training available for using the Directory Manager Web Portal?
- What are the main components of the Navigation Pane in the portal?
- What can I do with the Directory Manager Web Portal?
- What is the purpose of the "Recent Transactions" feature in the portal?
- What web browsers are supported?
- Will I receive email notifications for transaction updates in the portal?
- Can I change the default timeout for the Web Portal?
- Can I change the login method for accessing the Web Portal?
- How can I access the Directory Manager Web Portal if I’m unable to do so?
- How can NHS Trusts control who can log a ticket in the Directory Manager Portal?
- How do I access the Directory Manager Web Portal?
- How do I log in to the Directory Manager Portal?
- How do we control who has access to the portal?
- I'm Logged in but I can’t see the administration section on the portal
- What are the best security practices when using the Directory Manager Web Portal?
- What are the different user roles and permissions in the Directory Manager Web Portal?
- What web browsers are supported?
Provisioning & Account Management
- How Can I Bring Back a Cancelled Transaction in Directory Manager?
- How can I cancel a transactions we no longer want/need?
- How do I approve of a transaction?
- How do I find specific transactions using Pending Search?
- How do I manage pending transactions in the Directory Manager Web Portal?
- How do I Suspend a transaction?
- How Does NHSMail Provisioning Work in Directory Manager?
- Is there a way to see if a PDI has any pending transactions?
- What permissions are required to approve pending transactions?
- How can I create a new user account using the Directory Manager Web Portal?
- How can I see what rule a Transaction met?
- How do I reconcile records with a different EmployeeID in Directory Manager?
- What is the process for a user who Retires and Returns?
- What should I do if a user has come through with a different EmployeeID?
- What should I do if an AD Account already exists for a pending new transaction?
- What should I do if an AD Account Created but has not been given an NHSMail Account?
- What should I do if I am unable to find a record in the portal?
- What should I do if I have approved a Transaction and my record has not been created/updated?
- What should I do if the Record I Want To Link Is Not In The Linking Drop-Down?
- When a new user is added through ESR, what status is required before DM will pull down the data and how long does it take?
- Why have transactions failed?
- Does Directory Manager Also Remove Groups?
- How can I see what rule a Transaction met?
- How do I unlink records?
- What can be done with accidental approved changed or rename transactions?
- What should I do if I am unable to find a record in the portal?
- What should I do if I have approved a Transaction and my record has not been created/updated?
- Why have transactions failed?
- Does Directory Manager Also Remove Groups?
- How can I see what rule a Transaction met?
- How do I unlink records?
- What can be done with accidental approved changed or rename transactions?
- What should I do if I am unable to find a record in the portal?
- What should I do if I have approved a Transaction and my record has not been created/updated?
- Why have transactions failed?
- Does Directory Manager Also Remove Groups?
- How can I see what rule a Transaction met?
- How do I unlink records?
- What is the process for a user who Retires and Returns?
- What should I do if I am unable to find a record in the portal?
- What should I do if I have approved a Transaction and my record has not been created/updated?
- Why have transactions failed?
- How do I revoke a PDI?
- What is a Descriptor?
- What is System Matching in Directory Manager?
- What's the process for making changes to a user's data in the Digital Directory?
- Can I give a record a specific PDI?
- Can I have multiple AD account linked to a PDI?
- Can I make the System Identifiers more useful on the Digital Directory Profile?
- How can I reactivate a revoked Personal Digital Identity (PDI)?
- How can we update the profile image on a Digital Directory entry?
- How do I edit a PDI Profile?
- How do I manually override a user's End Date in a PDI Profile?
- Is there a way to see if a PDI has any pending transactions?
- What are the Preferred GivenName and Preferred Surname Options in Directory Manager?
- What Do the Buttons on a Digital Directory Profile Do in Directory Manager?
- What is a PDI Profile in Digital Directory?
- A System Link is on the wrong PDI, how can I move this to the correct one?
- Can I Change How the Weighting is Determined in System Matching?
- Can we add/remove Descriptors from future system matches?
- Can we refresh our matches if they are out of date?
- How can I check a PDI's Matching History?
- How can I tell why a record is showing as a Conflict match?
- How Can We Increase/Decrease the Amount of Matches in Directory Manager?
- How Do I Review a System Match in Directory Manager?
- How do I unreject a record from System Matching?
- How Does System Matching Work in the Digital Directory?
- How is the Weighting Determined in System Matching in Directory Manager?
- How Often Does the Matching Process Run in Directory Manager?
- I have a match with weighting above the linking threshold why has it not auto linked?
- What are the Descriptors on a System Match?
- What Are the Different Types of System Matches in Directory Manager?
- What Should I Do If a Record Does Not Match Any of the Potential Matches in Directory Manager?
- What should I do if I am unable to link a System Match because there is an existing link?
- What should I do if I have opened a match but all the fields for the incoming record are Blank?
- What should I do if I have opened a match but it does not have any records I can link to?
- What should I do if I have unlinked a record from a Digital Directory Profile but it has disappeared?
- Why has a new PDI automatically been created?
- Why Has My Record Not Auto-Linked in Directory Manager?
- Show Remaining Articles ( 7 ) Collapse Articles
Reports and Notifications
Privacy Compliance and Data Handling
- How can I access the Directory Manager Web Portal if I’m unable to do so?
- How can NHS Trusts control who can log a ticket in the Directory Manager Portal?
- How do we control who has access to the portal?
- What are the best security practices when using the Directory Manager Web Portal?
- What are the different user roles and permissions in the Directory Manager Web Portal?
- What permissions are required to approve pending transactions?
< All Topics
How can we update the profile image on a Digital Directory entry?
ByKieran Jarvis
How can we update the profile image on a Digital Directory entry?
There are a couple of ways in which a profile image can be applied to a Digital Directory Profile, however the most common way to do this is via the Digital Directory profile itself. In order to do this follow the below steps:
- Navigate to the Digital Directory
- Find the Digital Directory Profile you’d like to apply an image to
- Open the ‘Edit’ button
- Click the ‘…’ button below the default image
- Find the image you wish to apply to the profile
- Press the ‘Save’ Button
For alternative methods to apply profile photos to Directory Records or to apply profile photos in bulk, please contact the BDS Service Desk.
Table of Contents